Thursday, May 13, 2010

Tea Bags, Conversation & A Little Faith - Part 2

Phyllis and Kay arrived at the WOW Tea Company and were greeted by an enthusiastic man named Jimmy from behind the counter!  "Kay welcome back!  Gosh you may break your record from yesterday coming over here again today.  And I see you brought a friend with you."

"Yes meet Phyllis from Austin.  I told her she just had to try your tea." Kay said proudly.

"Well hello Phyllis from Austin.  I'm Jimmy and any friend of DC Kay's is a friend of mine.  So nice to meet you!"  Jimmy's mention of DC Kay made Phyllis smile.  Jimmy clearly had established a connection point with Kay nicknaming her after her city.  Jimmy continued, "Austin, oh I love Austin.  Went down there last year and saw the bats.  Man that was cool!"

"Oh the bats are so much fun.  It's a must see when my little nephews come down to visit me and my husband," Phyllis said.

"Austin has such a great vibe and energy.  Not to mention great tea,"Jimmy said.

After a few fun minutes of tea education, Jimmy convinced them both to try an unusual blend which just so happened to be his personal favorite.  Excited to try this new exotic tea they agreed and found a table just outside on the deck.  In a short period of time Phyllis had met two very nice people and had enjoyed connecting with them both on a number of mutual points.  She could kicked herself for not attending one of these conferences sooner she thought to herself as she and Kay sat down.

Over the next half hour they enjoyed a magnificent cup of tea, Jimmy was spot on right about that blend, and found multiple topics to talk about, surprisingly none related to the conference.  They chatted like old friends and with each new topic they explored their connection to one another grew stronger and stronger.  So strong in fact that at one point Kay was quite convinced that she and Phyllis hadn't met out of pure coincidence and she would be right too.

Good connections to people you're supposed to meet rarely happen out of blind luck ya know?  Life puts the people we're supposed to meet squarely in our path for a reason.  We just have to be willing to look up and respond when those opportunities are presented to us.  Both Kay and Phyllis were glad they had done just that.

An hour after they both met a casual observer from any of the other tables would have thought these two women to be lifelong friends not strangers who had just met.  Their conversation, the smiles, the laughs just flowed naturally the way good conversation does with the people you're supposed to meet throughout your life.

To Be Continued

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