Sunday, August 05, 2007

It's All In The Marketing

Being an entrepreneur myself from the ripe old age of seven or eight when I washed cars, pulled weeds or did just about anything to make a buck, it does my heart good to see my boys following in my footsteps.

Yesterday morning Zachary, my eight year old, came bounding downstairs to breakfast and said, "There's a garage sale a few doors down. What a perfect opportunity to do a lemonade stand because there will be so many cars! Can I please...please?"

I have to admit, I was impressed that the young lad could make the connection between an increase in traffic and his opportunity to make a few bucks. So before you knew it he was piling out the door and situating himself perfectly on the corner. With handmade sign, a big smile and a lot of enthusiasm he went to work.

Before long....Joshua his four year old brother wanted in on some of the action and Zach quickly deduced that little kids like Josh stop traffic. Ahhhh a perfect partnership was born and a proud papa couldn't resist sharing.

I think the boys made more money with Joshua holding the sign for some odd reason.....

Good idea..That Mom had to make.

Two hours work....$ 17.50 earned.

Cute little brother to help bring 'em in.... 65 Cents in wages earned (Come on Zach pay the kid something!)

Helpful supervisor in Dad....No wages earned. Where's the love?

Two kids being kids....Priceless!!!


Arlin K. Pauler said...

And the beat goes on. Nothing fulfills the American Dream better the entrepreneurial spirit. What a hoot!
Have a fun and rewarding day, Arlin.

Anonymous said...

Now there's a kid who is thinking outside the box...and not even aware of it!! Which is a reminder that sometimes our greatest ideas come when we're not even paying attention.

Love it!!

Anonymous said...

I see a bright future ahead for your kids!

Rami said...

I am sure when they grow up, they gonna be exactly like their dady. smart and hard working.

God bless Them

PRahman said...

Kudos to the boys!!
I think I'll have to invite them to collaborate with me on a workshop or two. :o)

Anonymous said...

I had to laugh when I read this post. I'm thinking back to when my youngest son was about 4 years old and decided he wanted to do something similar - only lemonade wasn't the order of the day.

He was something of a 'collector', so he had accumulated numerous pocketfuls of 'pretty' stones he had gather from the local beach. He guess he figured that since he prized them so much, so would everyone else.

Needless to say he never made it rich, lol.

Thanks for the memory!
Take care;