Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Take Your Self-Limiting Beliefs to the Garbage

"I am not a morning person."

"I am not a people person."

"I am just not capable of (fill in the blank)."

"I have always been that way and I guess I will never change."

"I am horrible at math."

"I was never good at...."

These are power statements. That's right....I said power statements. If you have ever been caught using any one of them or something similar then you are powering yourself to exactly where you think you belong. Which I might add...is likely no where.

I used to obsess over what I thought I couldn't do. I didn't have enough education. I didn't have enough money. I didn't have enough important things to say so who would listen to me. I could never write a book, speak for a living or have people all over the world want to learn what I know; that would never happen.

I used to do it and found that by doing it I actually got quite good at it. Imagine that, being good at doing something that in all reality was so bad for me personally and professionally that it was actually killing my life.

Here's the thing....we all have self-limiting beliefs. We all worry about not being able to do something when called upon to do it. We worry about what the lack of experience means in terms of results. We worry about being labeled a loser or a freak for not doing something exactly right.

If I had allowed my self-limiting beliefs to take hold of me I would likely be dead right now. I am serious. My pity party at one point in my life was so bad and had so many invited guests that the tune of failure rang loud enough to keep the neighbors up at night. And you know what the more I allowed it to go on the bigger the party got.

That was until something happened.

Something so amazing and so enlightening that to this day it still fuels me to power through those rough self-doubt times......

What was it?

I DECIDED to tell my Self-Limiting beliefs to get the (insert whatever cuss word you want here) out of here. I no longer needed them. Like the stinky pair of shoes at the bottom of the closet I simply took them outside and placed them in the garbage. Go away. Don't come back.

Self-limiting beliefs are yours and you own them. Since you own them that means you control them too. It isn't the other way around. You have all the power. Remember that! You control the game. YOU.....

The power of being a different person...living a different life....having the career you really want is inside you right now. Fan that flame. Ignore the cold dark place in the pit of your stomach that says "You can't!" The hell you can't! Light that cold dark place with the seeds of possibility and warm it with the action you take to do what life has told you previously you can't.

Here's an exercise that might prove useful. Take out a piece of blank paper. Write down ever negative belief you have about yourself. Get it all out and really focus on why these beliefs are there. Then take that piece of paper and crumple it up and go toss it in the nearest garbage can. DECIDE that you no longer are going to allow those beliefs to control you. Announce to yourself and to the world that today those beliefs belong to someone else and that the vacancy sign of the good things to come is NOW hanging brightly in your eyes, heart and your mind.

This is your wake up call....it's time to clean house.

Ripple On!!!



Anonymous said...


I couldn't have said this better myself. It's a shame that for many people, some event has to happen to shake them out of their old mindsets.

It's easier to say "I can't" than it is to ask yourself the hard questions and put the responsibility for change on your own shoulders.

But the funny thing is once you decide you CAN do something, well it just gets a whole lot easier.

ChiefExecOrganizer said...

Hi Steve! I needed to hear this today. Thank you!

It was great to see you at the dinner Saturday night!

- Lorie

Hollis Baker said...

Hi, Steve,
Great blog. My compliments for keeping on keeping on. See my "Ram in the Thicket".

Anonymous said...

You continue to amaze me with your insight!

Anonymous said...

Excellent post with powerful thoughts. Stay motivated and keep others motivated! Life is good.

jag said...

Ciao from Italia, Steve!

Here are a few power statements I have ditched over the past couple of weeks:

I have a bad sense of direction.
I don't travel.
I'll never go to Europe.
I'm not a morning person.
I tire easily.
I can't speak Italian.

Here's to newfound freedoms! Thanks for a great message. I haven't taken the time to catch up on all your posts, but thought I'd pop in and see what you've been up to. I look forward to catching up when I get back at the end of the month...
Pace e bene,