Sunday, July 08, 2007

The Power of Ripple Connection Questions

Right now there are people that you need to want to have to meet....and yet you aren't meeting them. Why? I have said it before and I will say it again that people cross our path in life for a reason. It's what we do with them when they show up that is the question.

A little less than two years ago I embarked on a journey of sorts to help people find new ways to connect. To help people bridge a conversation with a complete stranger and/or expand their knowledge and depth of awareness with the people they already knew but would like to know better. So I started sharing some of my own Ripple Connection Questions; questions that I developed for my 8 Minute Ripple Connection Events right here on the BLOG.

Well I have received some awesome responses to these questions and how people are using them. The stories and the results that people share have been overwhelmingly positive as more and more people start to understand that setting oneself apart from the rest of the herd can mean the difference between just living or living a more fulfilling and rewarding life. It's true...the questions help set the stage and springboard the relationship building process whether it's meeting someone new for the first time, making a favorable first impression on a job interview, making that first date anything but awkward or deepening the relationship with one's spouse, children or aging parents in a whole new way.

I am honored that so many of you have found the courage to use the Ripple Connection Questions in your life and I love hearing your stories so please keep them coming. If you aren't using the questions to make the impact you want in your life let me encourage you now to go back and search at the top of this BLOG for Ripple Connection Questions or check out my online store for first officially released set of questions that are now available for sale.

No matter whether you use my questions or come up with some of your own....just do something to not let the opportunities that life has afforded you pass you by. People are put in our path for a reason and opening that mouth and engaging them somehow is the first step. The uniqueness of what comes out of your mouth is what insures that it isn't the first and last step.

Ripple On!!!

Steve Harper

P.S. In case you have interest in learning more about what Rippling can do for you, check out my book by clicking here. If you want to take the book, your relationships and your career to an entirely new level you might be interested in my one on one coaching program. Contact me at for more information.

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