Monday, June 18, 2007

Ripple Connection Question of the Week

I believe that just because we are adults we don't have to lose our kid-like sense of creativity, exploration and our willingness to play. So I figured this week's Ripple Connection Question very well might prove both enlightening and motivational for us all. For those of us who don't play enough....maybe the answers we get might give us some ideas as to how we can incorporate more play and fun into our lives. For those of us who already love to play...maybe we can find some synergy with someone who wants to play with us!

What do you do to play?

Oh I do hope my loyal BLOG readers will not only ask this question this week to those who they want to build a stronger connection with but will also post a comment with the answer to this question. Come on....give us some ideas of what play means to you!

Have a playful, fun week full of many Ripples.

Ripple On!!!



Anonymous said...

Yah I know what you mean by “come on post a comment”. It’s like come on let’s play. People seem to prefer to be spectators in the game Life. Which I suppose is ok but how much fun is that? So here’s my answer to today’s question.
The biggest thing I currently do for fun is my work as a business consulting. Love helping people succeed with their business.
As a part of this I make connecting a game. I start each day thinking about what kinds of connections will form that day. This is especially fun when I make meeting people a game so it becomes fun and reduces my anxiety about cold calling. This may sound too practical for some but “Gidder-Done” and generating results is a real “hoot” for me. I Love being effective.
On the non business side of things is the fun I have with my grand kids. Kids have a hard time not having fun. All we have to do is go along for the ride and it’s like a trip to Disneyland – “The happiest place on earth”.
That’s my answer. Now I’ll make a point to use this question in connecting with people and post some of their answers.
Now it’s your turn to comment so we can get more ideas and have more fun. Come on post a comment and create a Ripple. Either way you can’t not make a difference. All that’s left is what kind of difference do you really what to make?
Have a fun and rewarding day,Arlin.

Anonymous said...

Ok, I'll play. I like to sing along to the music pumping out of the stereo with my kids, quote movie lines, shoot hoops in the driveway with them. At work... I work, but it feels like play because I love my job. We are very social, and there's lots of interaction with our clients, so creating comfortable conversations is a must.

jag said...

Oh, how can one resist such a delicious question?! Now, some of us don't have instant access to that natural source of play known as "children", but we still manage just fine! For me, play takes many forms. Here are just a few...

In my family of origin, play most often equals music. Here, my parents are my inspiration. Now that they've retired, gathering with friends and playing music together is the main focus of their life. Whenever I pick up my guitar, I am transported to those joyful gatherings too...

At work, sometimes my brain needs a little play break. That's when I turn to these playful web sites:

(Yikes. I wish I knew how to simply embed a hyperlink!)

When on my own, play might involve going for a walk with my camera, riding my bike, or perhaps even playing with my Lego blocks. :-)

Thanks for giving me a chance to acknowledge how important play is to me!


Anonymous said...

I play with son's blocks. It brings me back to when I was a kid. Forget video games, television and all the high tech is wooden blocks where a kid (and adult's) imagination can go just about anywhere.


Anji said...

I day dream. Exactly like i did when I was small. sometimes I tell my imaginary self "You can't do that". I can - it's my imagination!
Like Terri, i love music