Sunday, June 17, 2007

Happy Father's Day

Everything I learned about being a man came from my dad. He has taught me by example what it means to be honest, full of integrity and completely curious about life, people and all the magical things this world has to offer. His constant desire to learn and be better is something that he has instilled in me. I believe it is through his example I have been able to begin fulfilling my destiny and living my dreams.

I can honestly say without a doubt he is my #1 hero and I am grateful that I have been able to enjoy this new chapter of my life and career with him in my corner. I hope we continue to enjoy this together for many, many years to come.

Dad, it's understated to the max but I hope you know just what an amazing Dad you are and just how much I love you!

To my two sons, Zachary and Joshua...thanks for just about the greatest Father's Day a guy could have. You guys make me feel loved every day and I hope that you will always look at me with those impish grins and sparkling smiles. You are the reason that I do what I do. I love you both!

A special thanks to Mom (aka as Kathy my wife) too for making this day incredible too! I love you because without you I wouldn't have the boys. They are best gifts a guy could ever have.

So to you Dad and all the rest of those fathers out there in the world....Happy Father's Day!!!

Ripple On!!!

Steve aka son & "Daddy"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are lucky to have such a wonderful dad who has provided you with such a fantastic example. I'm sure he's very proud of you.