Saturday, July 07, 2007

Squashing The Rumors

Okay so a movie called the Ripple Effect is coming out sometime this year. Despite the rampant rumors out there on the Internet I didn't write the movie, it isn't based on my book, I wasn't asked to star in it (though I would have gladly taken a supporting role) and Minnie Driver and I are not dating. Despite what TMZ is reporting. My lawyers have asked me not to comment on whether or not she has been stalking me however. It hasn't been confirmed that her new musical career was inspired by me and my book either! (SMILE)

Anyway, perhaps someone out there can wrangle me an invite to the movie premier when it happens. Though my lawyers have said I can only go if they will provide security. Minnie is relentless!

Enjoy the preview:

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Ripple Some Help For a Great Organization

My fellow Ripplers I wanted to share something my dad has been working very hard on this entire year. My dad is the convention chairman of the Blinded Veterans Association (BVA) 62nd Annual Convention happening later this summer (August 14-18, 2007) in my old hometown of Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Organizations like the BVA do an amazing job of supporting our service men and women who are visually impaired and I wanted to give this conference (and the organization as a whole) some much needed exposure. My dad and his team are doing a wonderful job of creating an absolutely amazing conference experience and I hoped my fellow Ripplers might help us spread the word about the organization and the upcoming conference.

One of the main ways I would like to assist the conference is to get some exposure for an important auction that the BVA is holding. Michael Naranjo a world-renowned sculptor and Vietnam veteran who lost his eye sight as a result of combat has graciously donated one of his pieces to be used for this auction. Please click here to read about Michael and to the fabulous piece he is donating.

What I would really like is your help. This amazing piece of art is being auctioned off on eBay right now. The auction ends in 3 days and I would like to get the word out to as many people as I possibly can about this auction. I am hoping my fellow Ripplers will be willing to create some massive Ripples for the BVA by forwarding information on this BLOG or the link to the auction itself. You can find the auction at:

To learn more about this convention please read the "official" letter below:

New Mexico Regional Group

The Blinded Veterans Association’s 62nd National Convention
August 14-18, 2007 at the Downtown Hyatt Regency Albuquerque, NM.

The BVA is a non-profit, tax-exempt veterans service organization, founded by WWII blinded veterans and chartered by an act of Congress in 1958. The Association’s stated purpose is to promote the welfare of blinded veterans so that… “notwithstanding their disabilities they may take their rightful place in their community … and to strengthen a spirit of fellowship among other blinded veterans and to give mutual aid and assistance to one another.”

The BVA promotes the spirit of fellowship and camaraderie during a week of meetings, and family outings at our annual National Convention. We anticipate over 350 participants, about half of which will be totally blind or legally blind veterans. The remainder will be spouses or travelling companions. Also, in conjunction with BVA’s convention, the Department of Veterans Affairs conducts a workshop of their Visually Impairment Services Team (VIST) staff which involves approximately 100 participants. We expect over 35 exhibitors from across the country that specialize in electronic equipment and visual aids for the blind and visually impaired.

Outside activities and events will promote the rich multi-cultural aspects of our great state. We hope to include sightseeing tour options for many of Albuquerque’s historic attractions and for a brief northern New Mexico tour including Jemez Indian Pueblo, the scientific museum in Los Alamos and Chimayo.

INDIVIDUALS, BUSINESSES AND ORGANIZATIONS --- Join with the NM BVA Regional Group in SHARING THE PRIVILEGE of hosting this unique opportunity for outreach to the nation’s blinded veterans and their families:
· FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE at whatever level they consider achievable.
Help defray the cost of planned activities for our blinded veterans
· IN-KIND DONATIONS for door prizes, raffles, auctions
· ADVERTISEMENT in the Convention Program
A form for offering assistance follows

A brochure explaining the purpose, history, and services of the BVA is available upon request.
If you have questions or desire further information, please contact our local Convention Chairman, Jim Harper (contact information below), or Christina Hitchcock, National Convention Coordinator, in our Washington D.C. office at 1-800-669-7079.
Your serious consideration of the above is deeply appreciated

James C. Harper Arthur Schreiber
NM BVA Regional Group NM BVA Regional Group
Convention Chairman President

BVA 2007 National Convention -- 9601 Lagrima de Oro NE, Albuquerque, NM 87111
(P) (505) 296-6193 (C) (505) 417-3783 (E)

Thanks for reading and hope you can help us get the word out about the auction!

Ripple On!!!


Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Happy Fourth of July

I thought it would be good to have a little refresher as to why this day, The Fourth of July, is so precious to all Americans.

Here is an interesting link that outlines the history behind this glorious day:

I know we have a lot of out of country readers so I hope you will indulge me just this one day to say Happy Birthday to our country. I felt it only right to personally thank all those men and women who came before me that sacrificed so that I could live the life that I live today. I also want to give a personal thank you to the men and women in our military who are serving this day so that we can remain free. I am humbled and grateful for your service and hope each of you stay safe and return home to your families soon. You are in my prayers every day!

Have a fantastic Fourth of July!!!

Ripple On!!!


Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Sparklers Light Neighborhood & New Friendships?

You would not believe how many people I work with that say they not only have a hard time meeting new people for their network but barely (if at all) know the people that they call their neighbors. How sad is that? Sad but an unfortunate reality of our time.

There was a time when all neighbors knew what everyone else was up to. The next door neighbor became surrogate parents to their neighbor's kids and vice versa. Everyone said good morning when they left for work and people got together for morning coffee, afternoon barbeques and looked out for one another. There was a general feeling of caring back in the day.

What happened?

Neighborhoods lost their mojo. More families broke up. People started becoming less social. Neighbors suddenly became people you gave the occasional nod to while mowing the lawn but you couldn't recall the name of their kids much less their dog.

Your neighbors represent a significant first step in helping you expand your personal and professional network. So how do you get to know a neighbor that you don't know that well?

Here are some suggestions to try out tomorrow....The Fourth of July!

  • Invite your neighbors to a good old fashioned home made ice cream social
  • Throw a BBQ (or better yet....schedule a BBQ competition & neighborhood potluck)
  • Ask your neighbor over for a beer
  • Buy or make some July 4th cup cakes and take them over to your neighbor just because
  • Buy a whole bunch of sparklers and distribute them to all the neighbors with instructions to stand outside at a specific time and salute this great country together as neighbors
  • Just do something that gives you a reason to open that mouth and say something; perhaps and this is only a suggestions...use some of the Ripple Connection Questions you have read in this BLOG. Hmmm....sounds like a plan doesn't it? (SMILE!)

Your neighbors represent a significant opportunity to grow your personal and professional network of people. They are the most readily available and accessible so why not take the initiative and reach out?

The Fourth of July when everyone here in America celebrates for one day our country's independence is a great opportunity to create a little bang with your connecting fireworks and see what pretty colors and opportunities come from it. Just think of the Ripples you might create!

Happy Fourth of July to you and yours!!!

Ripple On!!!


Sunday, July 01, 2007

It's Not The Size of the Body but the Size of The Heart That Counts

When I was a kid I was unfortunately small. I was a severe asthmatic and the medications that I was constantly on I often wondered if it somehow stunted my growth. I remember feeling insecure way back when I started soccer at the age of five and hating my size. I was just plain smaller than the rest of the kids and the other kids often made fun of me for it.

Despite being smaller than most kids and having less than 50% lung capacity because of my asthma I always had to work harder in sports. I never let my size or other physical limitations be an excuse for giving my all. I played harder, worked harder and always focused on doing me best at all times and in the end I excelled at whatever sports I played...though soccer became my signature sport.

Unfortunately Zachary inherited my small stature and when he started the camp with a 100+ other eight year olds it was noticeable that he was one of the smallest guys out there. Though at times during the school year Zachary would complain about being a little smaller than the other guys he too has never let that be an excuse. I think he gets that from me. He has always gotten in there and roughed it up with the biggest and best and usually comes out smiling on the other end; usually with the ball too!

After an outstanding week attending Brian Urlacher's Football Camp Zachary got to experience something that will likely be with him for the rest of his life. My son received a special award for outstanding effort and performance from Mr. Urlacher himself! That's right...Zachary's had been recognized for putting that heart out there on the line and forgetting that size sometimes doesn't matter. Out of 600 campers (ages 8-18) he was amongst a handful of kids to be recognized! Talk about thrilled....getting recognized in front of all of those kids and by one of his all time heroes to boot! Can you tell the smile is still plastered on my face right now?

I don't know who was more proud...Zachary or me for the autographed NIKE football with Brian Urlacher's signature on it. There are very few days that I have stood prouder of my boy not because of the trophy award itself but for what it symbolizes and for the Ripple it has created in my son's confidence. He now knows more than ever that his physical size is only a limited by his imagination and he can and will accomplish anything he wishes if he is willing to put his heart, soul and effort into achieving it.

He inspired me this week and I can honestly say he is my hero.

Ripple On!!!


P.S. Special thanks to my wife for inspiring me to write this post.

P.S.S. Thanks to Brian Urlacher and the rest of the coaches for making a memory that will inspire him to push himself forward and to never give up.