Monday, September 10, 2007

Walking Lottery Ticket - Part One

So imagine I decided to give you a lottery ticket every single day. No strings attached and the only level of expectation that I would ask of you is your willingness to take one small detour each day to meet me to pick up the ticket. Some days you will have to meet me at my son's soccer practice. Other days you might have to meet me at the some coffee shop. Still other days, you might have to track me down at some painfully boring networking luncheon that you will, by the look on my face, know I went to under some obligation or duress.

Every day, we would have to meet somewhere other than where you are accustomed to going. Yes it might be a pain and yes it might take a little bit of time but the lottery ticket, oh the lottery ticket, could be worth so much more than the time and effort. It could completely change your life. You know that right? The odds just need to work in your favor....just once!

Oh and here's the kicker....when you win (notice I didn't say if) you won't owe me a dime. Now is tracking me down and going out of your way worth the time and effort? Would you be willing to make it priority enough to make sure you leave a little time in your schedule every single day to meet me?

Would you think about that lottery ticket every day? Anticipate how it would feel to meet me on that one special day to pick up the winning lottery ticket? How it feels in your hand and the explosion of excitement as you discover the numbers that are being called to announce the winner are yours. You can imagine it right now can't you?

So here's the question. Would you do exactly what I asked you to do, meet me exactly where I asked you to meet me and do it every single day until the lottery Gods aligned and called your numbers? You can't imagine how many people would commit to me right now that they would do it but then....The car won't start or the kids get sick. The wife is angry because you had to work late. You had a bad day and need to hit the bar instead of driving all the way over there to meet me.

The excuses start to flow as to why you simply can't make it. The bargaining begins. You call me and say "Steve, brother man I am so sorry but I have this or that going on and I simply can't meet you. Can you watch the ticket you have for me and let me know if WE have a winner?" You want me to watch your ticket that you can't make it over to where I am to pick up? What if WE win? Will you have a since of entitlement to the money you didn't actually do anything, literally anything, to earn? Will it still be OUR winner?

Part Two Tomorrow.....

1 comment:

Anji said...

I wonder how long it would take to lose interest? Rob has been playing with someone for twenty years, we don't see them any more but they always send the check for their part of the ticket