Sunday, July 01, 2007

It's Not The Size of the Body but the Size of The Heart That Counts

When I was a kid I was unfortunately small. I was a severe asthmatic and the medications that I was constantly on I often wondered if it somehow stunted my growth. I remember feeling insecure way back when I started soccer at the age of five and hating my size. I was just plain smaller than the rest of the kids and the other kids often made fun of me for it.

Despite being smaller than most kids and having less than 50% lung capacity because of my asthma I always had to work harder in sports. I never let my size or other physical limitations be an excuse for giving my all. I played harder, worked harder and always focused on doing me best at all times and in the end I excelled at whatever sports I played...though soccer became my signature sport.

Unfortunately Zachary inherited my small stature and when he started the camp with a 100+ other eight year olds it was noticeable that he was one of the smallest guys out there. Though at times during the school year Zachary would complain about being a little smaller than the other guys he too has never let that be an excuse. I think he gets that from me. He has always gotten in there and roughed it up with the biggest and best and usually comes out smiling on the other end; usually with the ball too!

After an outstanding week attending Brian Urlacher's Football Camp Zachary got to experience something that will likely be with him for the rest of his life. My son received a special award for outstanding effort and performance from Mr. Urlacher himself! That's right...Zachary's had been recognized for putting that heart out there on the line and forgetting that size sometimes doesn't matter. Out of 600 campers (ages 8-18) he was amongst a handful of kids to be recognized! Talk about thrilled....getting recognized in front of all of those kids and by one of his all time heroes to boot! Can you tell the smile is still plastered on my face right now?

I don't know who was more proud...Zachary or me for the autographed NIKE football with Brian Urlacher's signature on it. There are very few days that I have stood prouder of my boy not because of the trophy award itself but for what it symbolizes and for the Ripple it has created in my son's confidence. He now knows more than ever that his physical size is only a limited by his imagination and he can and will accomplish anything he wishes if he is willing to put his heart, soul and effort into achieving it.

He inspired me this week and I can honestly say he is my hero.

Ripple On!!!


P.S. Special thanks to my wife for inspiring me to write this post.

P.S.S. Thanks to Brian Urlacher and the rest of the coaches for making a memory that will inspire him to push himself forward and to never give up.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations to Zachary! What an amazing accomplishment. I also have a son who has usually been among the smallest among his peers, but speed is his strength and he has used it to his advantage. (Zachary might get a boost out of knowing that my "little" guy hit his growth spurt in 8th grade and is now 5' 11" at 16 and still seems to be growing.)

P.S. My 14 yr. old daughter was reading this post over my shoulder and thought it was very inspiring! I think it's a great message for people of any age.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to Zachary! It's important for children to have that kind of recognition and to be able to have that confidence to know they can do anything they set their mind to. There are so many children out there that lack the ability to believe in themselves or their accomplishments and they take that with them into adulthood where it's extremely difficult to change their way of thinking.

Nice job Zachary!!!!!
