Thursday, June 28, 2007

Connection Point Opens Window To Hero

So Zachary is having the absolute time of his life at Brian Urlacher's football camp. He has gotten to converse several times with Brian though at age eight, saying "Hi" constitutes big conversation. He got to nudge up against the big guy and have his picture taken which is hard to say who was more thrilled kid or dad. He also has met a number of football notables including Dallas Cowboy DeMarcus Ware and a coach from all the way back in Austin who seems to have taken a real shine to Zachary. Funny how small this world is traveling all the way from Austin to Albuquerque to meet someone from Austin.

But the biggest news of football camp was Zachary meeting Colt McCoy the starting superstar quarterback of our beloved University of Texas Longhorns. Colt was a special guest of today's session and although throughout the day he came close to Zachary the opportunity never really arose for him to have his in-depth conversations like he has with Brian (again a conversation of "hi" and "hi" back).

As we were leaving camp I spotted Colt bolting for the parking lot. I quickly grabbed Zach as he walked off the field and away we went. There was a Longhorn that needed to be lassoed. We busted through the gate but no Colt. Zach's little face bright with anticipation quickly grayed and I thought our opportunity had been lost. Then I spotted a man that I thought looked a whole lot like Colt's dad.

I grabbed Zach by the shirt and headed that way. I figured if we couldn't meet Colt we could at least meet the man that made Colt. I walked up to the man as he was about to get into an SUV and asked him if he was Colt's dad to which he replied he was. I explained we were both from Austin and that Zach (and I will admit it....I said I was as well) a big fan of his son's. I told him we were from Austin (THERE'S THAT CONNECTION POINT MY FELLOW RIPPLERS) and that was all it took! Instantly this man warmed to us both and shook both of our hands. I told him that Zach had hoped to meet Colt today but that it never worked out. He said "well hold on a minute....let me get him to roll the window down and say hello."

To say that Zach wasn't completely blown away at that moment would be an understatement. That handshake from Colt McCoy likely was worth ten times what we paid for this camp and is destined to be worth a boat load of street cred with his little buddies back home and most certainly a lifelong memory for us both.

Thanks Mr. McCoy for taking the time to talk to some good old boys from Austin....and for asking Colt to give a kid the thrill of his life. This will be a Ripple that will last for a long, long time I can assure you!!!

Hook 'Em!

Ripple On!!!

Steve Harper

1 comment:

jag said...

What a great story Steve! Thanks for sharing it here with us... I don't know if you noticed, but the reflection of Zach's face on the shiny red vehicle also tells a tale. I clicked on the photo because I was curious to see what the enlargement would tell me and, sure enough, I see pure awe.