Wednesday, June 06, 2007


Today I woke up and couldn't wait to spring from my bed. Today is a big day for me.

I have a coaching client that really needs me.

I have some very important power meetings today.

I am hosting my 8 Minute Ripple Connection Event tonight and I plan to put a unique spin on a creative exercise that should really drive home the power of connection and connection points for those in attendance. Stay tuned as I hope (hope is the operative word) to be able to share pictures from tonight.

I am still spinning from the amazing number of comments, emails and phone calls I received from yesterday's post. Thank you to all that reached out. Talk about a day full of amazing Ripples!

And last but not least I am thankful will be a good day simply because it is a new day....a new chance to excel.

I think we all need to have days like this. Though most of my day will be filled with some measure of stress and worry hoping my meetings and event go well, I know that I am have control over only what I have control over and I can't sweat the small stuff. I think we all need to remind ourselves of that from time to time.

Most of all, I am just thankful to be here doing exactly what I want to be doing and making my own unique contribution out there in the world.

What about you? Did you spring from your bed this morning? What are you thankful for?

Ripple On!!!



jag said...

I've been sending good Ripple vibes your way - I am confident that they made it all the way to Texas and that your event was a success!

Unfortunately, no amount of good Ripple vibes were able to help the Ottawa Senators in their Stanley Cup bid. It was quite a ride though!

Look forward to hearing about the Ripple...


Steve Harper said...

Thanks are too awesome. Happy to report the event went very, very doubt thanks to your awesome vibes!

Sorry about your Senators. I watched the end of the game and thought immediately of you. There's always the next 50 years. Just kidding.

Let's connect again via email. My address book crashed so if you have a chance email your address again and I will fill you in on the event if you want.

Hugs & Ripples my friend!


Tshombe said...

Hey Steve,

I know I'm a couple of days after-the-fact, but I just wanted to say how AMAZING you sound in this post.

I can feel your excitement and energy jump off the page! I mentally can SEE you spring out of bed.

I know you had a great day and a great week.

Wow. What a HUGE ripple you started!

Keep up the momentum.

Thanks, Steve.
