Friday, June 08, 2007

Show You Care

Do you have people in your life that you would really like to know better? Perhaps it's a co-worker or employee or simply an acquaintance that has the potential to become a friend of professional colleague. What can you do to kick start the relationship building process?

Show you care?

Show you have interest in learning more about them. In fact there is no harm in saying exactly that to them!

"You know Sue we have worked together for two months and I realized that I don't really know anything about you outside of work. Why don't we go to lunch one day when you are free?"

"Mike I was really glad to meet you at the Chamber luncheon a few months ago. Let's get together over a beer and get to know one another one of these days."

"Susie I am so glad you came to work here. You really brighten up the place when you walk in the door. I obviously need to learn how to do that, do you have time for coffee later this week?"

"Chris you and I have seen each other at numerous business functions and I really want to get to know more about you and your business."

No matter how you ask it just ask it. Show people you care enough to want to invest the time in getting to know them and watch what happens. People are so used to other people not taking that additional step that I can honestly say they will be pleasantly shocked and impressed when you step outside the box to make an attempt to really connect.

Why not give it a try today. Who do you know in your office or in your network that you would really like to know better? Stop reading this BLOG and pick up the phone, walk down the hall or fire off a quick email. Show you care enough to take that first step. It might just prove to be a first step in a brand new adventure.

Ripple On!!!


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