Monday, May 28, 2007

Summer Reading & Listening Challenge

Did you know the books we read and the music we listen to are one of the ultimate connection points? Think about it, what we are reading and what we are listening to really tells quite an interesting story about ourselves. It offers those people who want to get to know us better endless opportunities to bridge deeper more meaningful conversation. Of course it works in reverse too! I just wasn't going to harp (no Harper pun intended) on how you can leverage that to help you build your connections. I don't need to remind you about that now do it! Hee Hee!!!

Anyway....let's have some fun with this and get this summer party started correctly. I want to know what's on your summer table of reading and just what kind of jamming tunes we might find you downloading to your IPOD as the temperature rises. Leave a comment as to what we might find you reading on the boat at the lake, at the beach this summer or in that special place you go to when you just need to settle down with a good book. And of course...tell us what kind of great music we might find you listening to as well!

Leave a comment here and if you want to really elaborate and get some good conversation going join our Yahoo Group by clicking here. Talk about helping people get to know you and know you quicker! Connection points baby!!!

Can't wait to be inspired by my readers and perhaps you might forward this challenge on to some of your friends and colleagues and we can learn what has them toes a tapping and their minds engaged! I suspect that all of you will give me plenty of amazing choices of literary works and musical melodies to fill my summer of love!

Speaking of Summer...just had to play one of my all-time favorites! Hope this gets you in the mood to start enjoying your Summer!!!

Ripple On!!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Reading... anything I can get my hands on, fiction, I love suspense and these family drama type books by Jodi Picoult. I think I've read most of them in the past couple months. Music... I keep switching my tastes and lately have had the radio on the classic rock station and have developed a thing for Kenny Wayne Shepherd (Blue on Black is a current fav,) so he's next on my purchase list.