Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Last Day of School

Today is my son Zach's last day of school. As of 2:45PM this afternoon he is officially sprung! He will no longer be a second grader but will be officially a third grader. He has barely been able to contain his excitement for this day and of course for his summer to begin. Oh how I remember those days!

I think as a kid the last day of school was just about the best day on the kid calendar, other than Christmas. I remember spending months and then days counting down to the final bell. I still get goose bumps when I think about it.

Yes sir those last few weeks counting down to the end of school were some of my best memories. The teachers seemingly remorphed back into cool people and were nice to everyone....even the bad kids (no admission of role assumption there; implied or otherwise). The homework dwindled off and our final classroom days were spent doing mindless puzzles, word games and watching the last of the stupid made for school movies on Davy Crockett and Benjamin Franklin. Anything to fill the time as that clock clicked ever so slowly to that final bell.

The last day of school had this incredible buzz to it I recall. Waking for that final day was no problem as I literally remember springing from my bed with baited excitement (my son on the other hand still slumbers upstairs). Walking to school the air seemed just a bit cleaner and the sun so much brighter. The bullies who otherwise staked out territorial lay in wait spots had long since abandoned their posts and safety had returned to some of the gazelles....errr I mean kid-herd. Walking into the classroom for the last time was amazing because the crappy posters and retarded artwork that had litered the walls previously were now gone and revealed pleasant welcoming walls that seemingly said "sorry to see you leave but don't let the door hit you on the backside when you go."

Yes the last day of school was the first day of adventure; at least it was for me and my buddies. No more pencils, no more books, no more disapproving looks (hey I am poet and didn't even know it! Ms. Holman my fourth grade teacher would be proud). Yes kid-life officially could begin and school was but a distant memory as the seemingly year-long prison sentence was temporarily suspended for my mandatory furlow.

Yes my son should be excited as summer is finally here. Oh to be a kid again....

Ripple On!!!



Anonymous said...

I remember the summers feeling endless too! Now all time passes way to quickly. Great memories!

Marjie said...

this reminded me of my school days as a kid. summer seems like the best time of the year because school is finally over and we can go on with our own merry ways. these days, summer is just a "bleh". adulthood had a lot to do with it. it made summer less exciting!