Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mother's Day

I just wanted to say Happy Mother's Day to those mothers out there who either had to raise or marry people like me. I know it wasn't/isn't easy and your work seems never ending and at times certainly less rewarding than say raising say cannibal monkeys. You were/are tireless in your pursuit to bring order and substance to our lives and were/are always there with band-aides in hand when one our "great ideas" didn't/don't actually turn out to be so great.

The looks you gave/give when we came home late from school/bar are forever etched in our minds and stand as our internal moral compass when we are about to do something we really shouldn't be thinking of doing. We of course, ignore said compass and do it again anyway only to have heard/hear "What in the hell were you thinking you dumb *&&*(&**!&&#**$((#))!)_#__!*(#! Usually followed by a slammed door and a wait until your father get's home or I should tell you father what an idiot son he raised.

Yes we are people that only mother/wives could love. We cause you frustration and a certain amount of financial and emotional discomfort but at the end of the day we know we are loved and always had/have someone to wipe the tears away when things don't go our way.

So to the two "Mom's" in my life, Happy Mother's Day. I can't honestly tell you the next twelve months of your rule will be any easier than the last but hey a girl can always dream.

Hugs and Ripples Mom & Kathy!

And....Happy Mother's Day to all of my virtual "Moms" who read my BLOG. You keep me in line when they don't and they both Mom and wife thank you for that!

Ripple On!!!


P.S. The woman pictured is only a visual depiction of said Mom/Wife and should under no circumstances be considered as mine. Actually I have no idea who this lady is but the picture reminds me of all those trips to school that the curlers embarrassed the hell out of me so I had to use it!


Anonymous said...

Thanks Steve! You took the "me" out of this and made the wishes truly for those two special people in your life. That is not an easy thing to do and I am so certain that you accomplished a difficult task I am going to plaigerize and send this to my Mom - actually I intend to0 tell her I did not write it and simply wanted to share an expression that is a reflection of my own feelings.

Thanks again!

Anonymous said...

Where in the world did you find that picture of me and how dare you post it without my permission????

Steve Harper said...


My deepest apologies! I forgot to call you and ask if that picture would be okay to use.

Thirty lashes with a wet noodle.

Ripple On!!!


Anonymous said...

Ok, but I'm using lasagna noodles to maximize the impact!