Sunday, May 27, 2007

Dream Big

I had the pleasure of spending some time last night with an old friend of mine from Albuquerque. Mike and I go way back having worked together nearly 18 years ago and have remained good friends ever since. It was so fun to catch up and to see this man and meet his new girlfriend. He is very happy after what I know has been a difficult couple of years personally and professionally.

It warmed my heart to see my good friend. It was incredibly cool to get a little ribbing about what Mike saw as an ambitious and "sometimes cocky" kid way back yonder who knew, even back then, who wanted more out of life. Eighteen years seems like just yesterday and the "war stories" being batted back and forth really made me appreciate all that has happened in my life since.

Mike is like a brother to me in a lot of ways. He has always been there in terms of advice and positive reinforcement but more importantly, as a fan. A fan of my intention. A fan of my gumption. A fan of the spirit that makes Steve Harper....Steve Harper.

As we chatted back and forth Mike said something that stuck with me until this morning. Another friend of mine asked Mike how he knew me back in the day and with a little impish grin and a hand on my shoulder he said "Stevo always dreamed big."

I do remember the fire that ignited way back in college about wanting to do important things in this world. I always wanted to make my own unique mark. I guess I have always dreamed big but it was humbling to actually hear someone else say it; to have someone from my past who recognized it. I suspect that to do anything spectacular in your life, you like me, need to dream big and never be afraid to reach for that which you want to make possible.

To Mike and all of you who believe in me and keep constantly reminding me in your own little way that my biggest dreams are yet to be fulfilled....THANK YOU!!!

Ripple On!!!

Steve Harper


Anonymous said...

How incredible to have a friend like that! I know the feeling, and I'm happy for you. I know many others are not as fortunate to know such friendship in their lives.

Mimi Lenox said...

Great story. Touching.

Thanks for the link. I have reciprocated. Peace Globes are slowly filling up the Blogosphere.
Can you feel the ripple?