Thursday, February 09, 2006

The 8 Minute Ripple Kick Off

It has been a big week this past week. Last week I cut my first official Podcast compliments of Take a listen!

In addition to the excitement of the Podcast, I was excited to have The 8 Minute Ripple officially kick-off! For those of you who may or may not know, we created an event based on some of the key principals from my book, The Ripple Effect. I have to proudly say, it was a huge success!!!!

The 8 Minute Ripple is not your typical business networking function. For me, traditional business networking functions don't work...I should say for me but I know for many works too. I find that most of the time those events become more about posturing and performance and never really let individuals connect. Much of the time you find yourself talking to someone who is more interested in qualifying whether you are a potential for their product or service and less concerned with who you are and what you do.

Our event is completely unique in both format and intention. We focus on providing people with opportunities to discover potential connection points that will provide the basis of continued conversation and connection. Think about it, when you meet someone and really click, everything seems to go smoother. We provide that environment and then some!

I will write some more on the actual event in my next few posts. I just wanted to thank everyone that participated! Your great comments, phone calls and emails following the event really made my heart sing. Thank you!!!

If you can't wait until the next post to sign up for the next event on March 7th, feel free to go to our registration link and sign up!

Oops...I almost forgot! One last thing that happened this past week was our new site came went Live! This site is for those of you who haven't read my book but might want to check out a FREE CHAPTER before you decided to buy the book. I hope you will check it out!!!!

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