Friday, December 21, 2012

Finally! The New Virtual Digs Are Ready!

So my apologies for going dark on my BLOG. In October it looked like I was days away from launching my new website and BLOG. Well the best laid plans and all that....

So here it is December and I'm finally ready to announce the launch!

Please check out my new website and the new home of my BLOG at

Drop by and take a gander at the new site and find some new BLOG posts waiting there for you including today's post 'Tis The Season.

My hope is you'll subscribe to the new BLOG and continue to be a part of the conversation about leveraging the power of the Ripple for your personal and professional life.

Thanks for your patiences and I hope you'll agree that the wait has been worth it. Jazzed to be in the new virtual digs!

Happy Holidays and as always...

Ripple On!!!

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