Stephen Covey & Me
Cover of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
Next week I have the good fortune to speak at the Training 2010 Conference & Expo following a favorite author of mine Stephen Covey. Mr. Covey is known all over the world and has written numerous books including the best seller The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, a personal favorite of mine.I am so excited to bring The Ripple to this conference and sort of feel like this is my coming out party. For the past few years I have slowly built an identity for my book, my unique approach to connecting and for myself. Along the way I have had the good fortune to help individuals and organizations understand and appreciate the impact The Ripple can have on their life and business. It's been an amazing ride and I have been blessed to find a career and a journey that I know is my true destiny.
I don't pretend to be on the same level as a Mr. Covey or his son (his co-presenter) nor any of the incredible speakers scheduled to speak at this year's conference. And that's okay. I know that my enthusiasm for the power of The Ripple will shine through and I hope by having this platform I will be able to inspire and motivate people to want to learn more about Rippling and what it can bring to their personal and professional life.
Habit #2 of Mr. Covey's 7 habits is "begin with the end in mind." I did just that when I started down this road and committed my life to evangelizing the power of The Ripple. Though I may not have known it at the time, I suspect somehow, some way I knew I would end up sharing a stage with the best and the brightest and be confident I belong there.
No matter how this turns out (the butterflies are a swirling let me tell ya!) I know there are going to be some tremendous Ripples that come to me during these next few days and for that I am already grateful.
Ripple On!!!
Covey also has a real interesting iPhone app, 'Great Career' that's based on his latest book.
Steve although I don't really know you I feel like I do because I read your BLOG all the time. I have your new book and it's incredible. I think you are set to hit the big time and I am so thankful I've found you because I can tell people I knew you when.
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