Thursday, November 01, 2007

My Dad's First Podcast

Brian Oates from interviewed me a few months ago regarding my book and my motivations behind writing it. Brian and I got along swimmingly and he has become a regular reader of my BLOG. As a reader of my BLOG, Brian has gotten to know a little bit about my dad's amazing story of losing his eyesight due to Macular Degeneration and his amazing battle to regain his vision to the point that he is back driving!

Brian was kind enough to approach Dad and myself about doing a three-way podcast to let Dad's story be told by the man himself. It was an honor and privilege for me to have this opportunity to hear my dad in his own words tell his amazing story. He truly is an inspiration to me and continues to be my greatest hero.

So thanks to Brian, I wanted to share this amazing podcast with my Ripple audience. Thank you Brian for bringing this great idea to fruition and for giving my dad and myself the opportunity to share his story. Talk about a Ripple!!!

Comments are welcome and I know my dad would love to answer any questions or hear any comments you might want to offer. He provides his contact information at the end of the podcast.


Anji said...

When I clicked on the link i just got an error message; I'd be really interested to hear what your dad has to say because my dad was blind too. He benefitted from laser surgery for a few years.

Steve Harper said...

Thanks Anji. I will get it fixed and reposted. Sorry about that!

PRahman said...

A wonderful sharing my friend!!

Anji said...

Thanks, i managed to listen to it all with no problem. Your dad is very courageous; I think that there are a lot of Doctors out there who don't like the thought of alternative medicine.

My dad used a really thick magnifying glass as he was determined to continue reading. He had a lot of outside support and something your dad didn't mention, talking books, there was also a local talking newspaper.

Your dad is proof that there is always hope!