Thursday, May 17, 2007

Wanna Hear The Ripple Guy Ripple?

I have the privilege of being a guest on Linda Ford's teleseminar this afternoon at 4PM CST to talk about one of my favorite subjects....Rippling! Linda is a great friend and colleague and this is an absolute honor to be on her teleseminar.

Here's the best's FREE!

All you have to do is click here to sign up. I hope you will make time to join us. I know many of my BLOG readers know me in the electronic sense but this will be a good opportunity to put a voice with all the Ripple ramblings you see here.

Sign up and even if you can't join us for the live call, I understand that Linda will make the recording available to all registered participants.

Hope to see ya (albeit still virtually) this afternoon!

Ripple On!!!

Steve Harper

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I look forward to the Ripple Teleseminar today! I'll also be placing an order for the book! Can't wait to read it!

Thought of you this morning as I sang along to "Ripple" by The Greatful Dead on Margaritaville Radio on SIRIUS!!
