Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Great Supporting Quote For Me

As many of you know I have a mantra that I live my life by:

"The most self serving thing one can do is live their life selflessly. Selflessly give of your time. Selflessly give of your knowledge. Selflessly give of your connections. Selflessly give that which you have to give."

I truly believe that my life and my success is a direct reflection of living my life this way. I have so much abundance in my life because I actively give of myself with no expectation of repayment. I believe life has a funny way of keeping its own score and rewarding good intentions in its own unique way.

I am reading a book my Dr. Wayne W. Dyer right now called The Power of Intention (there's a suggestion for your summer reading table per my Monday BLOG post). There is a quote he mentions at the start of chapter five by one of my favorite inspirational writers which sums up why selfless living has created so many Ripples for me...and it can for you as well.

"It is one of the most beautiful compensations of this life that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself...Serve and thou shall be served."

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Mr. Emerson got it way back in the eighteen hundreds. It worked back then and it works now.

So who can you selflessly serve today?

Ripple On!!!



jag said...

Your post reminded me of a sign I saw on the small cabin that served as final home to Catherine Doherty, friend & contemporary of Dorothy Day and foundress of the Madonna House Lay Apostolate. The sign reads simply:


It refers to her belief that God was First... her neighbour was Second... and she was Third.

Your post speaks to the deeply spiritual principle of knowing that we'll only get it when we become willing to give it away (whatever "it" may be for each of us).

This is also fundamental to the success of the Twelve Step Fellowships and their tradition of having "Trusted Servants" instead of leaders...

Great to take a moment to reconnect to this value - thanks for posting!


Anonymous said...

Powerful mantra and telling quote. Thank you for sharing.


you are amazing said...

I love your blog...

May all the magic of your hearts desires come true and they will.

More bliss to you x x x

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It's fasinating stuff! Also, they would love feed back of what you think of the omega shift.


you are amazing said...

May love, bliss, success, joy radiate from you and return back to you multiplied.


only love is real, all else is illusions of thought and mind.

more bliss to you - friend