Saturday, December 30, 2006

End of The Year - Ripple Connection Question

As tomorrow brings 2006 to a close, let me thank each and every one of you for reading my BLOG. I am truly thankful for each and every one of you and appreciate your readership and support of my work more than you will ever know.

You know the true measure of a man is the company he keeps. Based on the amazing amount of people I have had the pleasure of coming in contact with because of my BLOG, my measure must be pretty substantial because the company is incredible.

Thank you for being a part of this journey!

I figured that I would leave this year with one last Ripple Connection Question, one that I like to ask often. Given the time of year, I thought it was incredibly appropriate. I hope it gets you thinking and challenging yourself how you will answer it.

"So it is exactly one year from now and you are looking back over the past twelve months. Tell me what you are most proud of accomplishing and what successes will carry you forward for the next twelve months?"

May the New Year bring you and yours all the success and happiness that you deserve.

God Bless You and as always.....

Ripple On!

Steve Harper


Anonymous said...


Yikes, that is a big question. I hope I can honestly answer that I have reduced my stress and increased my joy by making good choices about where to invest my time, attention and resources.

How about you -- what's your answer?



Steve Harper said...


Great answer!

I guess mine would have to be....

I hope I can honestly say that I have been able to successfully navigate several new spin offs of the 8 Minute Ripple, brought the power of the Ripple to a whole new level and to a much larger national audience and will have been the kind of husband and parent I know that I am capable of being. is a tough question!

Ripple On!

Anonymous said...

Yes, it is a tough one. But those are the kinds to ask ourselves if we want to have an extraordinary life.

I have no doubt your influence will broaden as you keep sharing your wisdom and insights.

Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

I always love your Ripple Questions. I wish that I lived in Austin so that I could participate in some of your events! I hope you eventually will migrate towards the NW. We need Rippling too!

As for my answer.....

I hope that I can look back on my year and say that I finally accomplished writing and publishing my book. You have been an inspiration to me and I hope that I can experience the same level of excitement and energy that you have bringing your book to fruition.

Hope you and your family have a fantastic New Year!

Peace Out From Sarah in S-Town (Seattle)