Thursday, October 05, 2006

Music of Connection

Many of my readers have discovered an amazing friend of mine named Prince Rahman. Prince also known as MagnumVox is linked to this BLOG and I know many of you already read his insightful work. If not, click here to check his BLOG out.

This past Tuesday night I hosted a "sample" version of my connection event The 8 Minute Ripple. We called it The Pink Spoon 8 Minute Ripple as a creative play on the iconic ice cream sample. It was a great success but for more reasons than just the rippling itself.

Several months ago, Prince mentioned to me he was a singer/songwriter. At the time I encouraged him to share with me some of his amazing tunes. He wrote a beautiful song for Amelia Sharif, a little girl my family knew through soccer that was tragically taken from us over the summer. You can find the original post and Prince's lyrics here.

Prince has written the cover song for my upcoming Audio version of The Ripple Effect and simply continues to blow my mind with his talent. A talent up to this point that appears he has literally kept to himself. I just knew I simply couldn't let this continue to happen!

Well Tuesday night I asked Prince to play a little pre-ripple concert and boy did he not disappoint. He did an amazing job and I think set an absolutely amazing tone for the fantastic night ahead. People loved it and I know that several people incredibly blown away by his powerful and engaging lyrics.

The reason I write about this today is often times in life we need a little push. We sometimes need someone to stand behind us and to encourage us to take that chance. I know for me, that's what made the difference for me when it came to public speaking. I think it may have been the case for Prince and his music as well.

Sometimes in life we need people to believe in us. Sometimes we need our built in fans to say GO FOR IT!

Well Prince went FOR IT and was spectacular. He created connections with the audience because they first saw his talents and they felt his passion and emotion. Undoubtedly it made a difference with the people he connect with that night and will have created memories in the minds of all that attended for years to come.

Congratulations Prince and THANK YOU. You did an amazing job. Thank you for putting it out there for all of us to enjoy!

If you want to check out any of Prince's songs, click here!

Ripple On My Friends and remember, don't be afraid to share what you want in life with the people you meet. You just may be surprised as to who may help you!


1 comment:

Carlon Haas said...

I am pleased to have been named the first "roadie" of Prince's Magnam Vox empire. Consider me a fan.