Monday, January 16, 2006

Hook 'Em....No Litterally That's How You Hook 'Em

She had been coming into the coffee shop every day for as long as I had been going there. We always exchanged a quick "hello" or "have a nice day." This went on for at least a year. We graduated from the "hi how ya doing" to "Hook 'Em" when Texas Longhorn Football kicked into high gear but didn't make any attempt of conversation other than that.

As many of you know, I am a people watcher. It is a true hobby of mine. I am a regular Marlin Perkins when it comes to people (minus Jim the faithful assistant). I love seeing how certain people react, especially when they don't know someone is watching. You can really tell a lot about someone by watching and observing. The way they prepare to talk, the mental preparedness that you see them going through just to order a simply cup of coffee or the physical gyrations they go through when they talk on their cell phone. Watch someone talk on their cell phone today, most act as if the person on the other end of the line is actually standing in front of them. It makes for mucho fun and smiles. word of advice...don't let them catch you watching them and smiling. No need to offend.

Well my "hi ya" friend seemed just from casual observation to be a meek individual. I would have guessed her to be a secretary or perhaps someone who works behind the scenes. I know, I know, never judge a book by its cover right? It was just her style, the way about her that led me to this conclusion.

One day I was sitting at my customary table at this great little coffee shop around the corner (well many blocks, several turns and at least six stop signs but around the corner just sounds more "writer quaint"!) from my house meeting with John, a friend I semi-coach from time to time. We were talking about the importance of getting out and meeting new people (for his business) and his apparent lack of success in doing just that. He was frustrated and angry and really questioning why meeting new people was such an important skill and why it was so natural for some and painful for others.

I empathized with my friend's plight as I know how hard it can be to meet new people. I suggested he quit trying to go to the wrong places to do it but rather, just start having conversations with any of the people the might cross his path in life. It's great practice and you never know who you might meet. He argued, he postured and he relented that the only people that are worth knowing are the ones that he likely would find at a business event. He was convinced that was the ONLY place he would find a potential client and he claimed to have no time for "nice nice." Just then, she walked in...

We exchanged our customary "Hook 'Em" and smiles as she walked past to get into line to order her coffee. I quickly explained to my friend that I would like to show him the point I was trying to make by showing him an example. He initially protested claiming that meeting this complete stranger was a waste of time. I ignored him as I suspected he would get the point over the next few minutes. As my "Hook 'Em" started to walk our way, I pulled a chair over and stood up. Making eye contact, I said "Hey Longhorn, care to join us?"

"Hook 'Em" wasn't meek or shy or anything like that She was a confident fun loving person with a great personality. She was more than excited to join us for a few minutes and to share her time and conversation.

As it turned out, she was the head of a pretty major construction company in the area. She had been a graduate of The University of Texas and was passionate about UT Football. She explained that she just loved starting her day by seeing a smiling face first thing in the morning and though we weren't even acquainted, liked seeing her "friend."

I breifly explained to John how our unfounded communication and connection had started simply by exchanging a cheerful "good morning" and eventually "Hook 'Em." We didn't need much more and something of an unspoken bond had developed. When and if the time arose for use to "officially meet" it would be like we were old friends. You know what? It was!

I explained in greater detail to Ms. Hook 'Em what I was trying to do with John and why I had asked her over. After actually getting to meet her, the real benefit was mine. She was a fantastic woman with a very compelling story. She told John that she too had issues getting out an promoting her company. Fear had held her back for years because meeting people was scary. She looked up and we all looked at one another and broke out in laughter. This wasn't hard at all!

Just before Christmas, my Hook 'Em friend came over to my table and sat down. She just wanted to thank me. Thank me? What did she have to thank me for? She explained that after that day late last summer, she and my coaching friend had connected and become great friends. As it turns out, they started going to Chamber events together figuring there was safety in numbers.

She said she just had to give me a hug; first being a great new friend and second for introducing her to yet another friend and teaching them both a valuable lesson. Together they had attended an event the night before that she likely would never have attended on her own. She met a new contact that was in desperate need of her company's services. She told me that as she and John left the event, they both looked at each other and showed the Hook 'Em sign and laughed their butts off.

Hook 'Em and Ripple On my friends!!!

Steve Harper

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