Monday, June 06, 2005

Make Your Customers Your Evangelists - Part One

During a recent conversation with a potentical consulting client of mine, we happen to be discussing how he might go about growing his business. It is not unusual for most inquires of my services to be about growing the sales or profitability of a company. So our conversation was not a surprise.

After gaining an understanding of the scope of his business and how his firm attracted their customers, I asked the one question that really set the tone for whether our potential collaboration had the basis of success or not.

" want to grow you company right?" He nodded in totally acceptance of being heard. "So, what are you doing to take care of your current customers?"

Almost on que he responded with rolling eyes and all, "I don't worry about my CURRENT customers, I already have their business. I need your to help us find MORE NEW customers."

Believe it or not, that is not an unusual response for many of my potential clients. However, in my opinion it is a sign of big problems. A company that has lost focus on the importance of serving their current customers has no business seeking new customers. Now there are exceptions but in my experience, those are few and far between..

In a recent survey, 68% of all customers that leave an organization with whom they have purchased a product or service from leave because they feel UNDERAPPRECIATED and UNDERVALUED.

Given that statistic, how appreciated and valued do you think this gentleman's customers feel? In my experience, organizations that are simply focused on that NEXT sale, show their true colors to their customers early and often....The unfortunate most companies don't even realize they are undermining the very essence of their future success.

More to come......

1 comment:

thomsinger said...


You are right on the money. I have worked with many people who think that once someone is their client, or part of their network, that they can ignore them while going out to find new targets. There have been many surveys that state that it is easier (and more cost effective) to get additional business from existing clients than to go chasing new ones. If more people did what you say, they would have more money in the bank..