Thursday, February 02, 2006

Interesting Quote

"My days of whining and complaining about others have come to an end. Nothing is easier than fault finding."

-- Og Mandino

Wow, this really put some things in perspective for me this week. I always find that when something good or bad happens in my life, I generally can find a quote that somehow always fits my situation. This one ironically, came to me from a very unexpected source but resonated in me so much that I simply had to share.

Ripple On all of my friends!


Anonymous said...

I love this quote! I think once we stop focusing on others we can get to real essence of where we need to be and what we need to do for ourselves. Complaining about others only perpetuates the negativity and holds us back from shining bright. Thank you for sharing this today, it really resonates with the theme of this week!!

Anonymous said...

Amen. Too many "little" people like to find ways to find fault in others. You could cure cancer and someone would point out that you are not that great cuz you did not cure diabetes.