Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Call For Your Ripple

I have begun preliminary work on the second edition of The Ripple Effect book and could greatly use your help! I am looking for compelling Ripple Stories from our loyal readers for possible inclusion in our in second edition and/or our upcoming audio version of the book.

Your story can be personal or professional and can either be about a ripple you started or was started for you. Ripples come in all shapes and sizes as we all know and so please don't discount anything when you consider your submittal. What might actually seem irrelevant to you might be hugely inspirational or motivational to someone else.

Our only stipulation is when you submit your stories, you do so under the expressed understanding that you are giving us permission to reproduce this story. There is no implied compensation for the story at submittal or production. Hate to throw that in there but just don't want any misunderstandings. I am sure you understand.

Please send all ripple stories to

My goal when I set out on this journey was to change the world in my own little way. During these past seven months since the release of my book, I have literally met hundreds of people who not only get the concept of the ripple, but live by the principal of it. I can not tell you how appreciative I am of those of you who I have met either personally or virtually, and those of you simply just read this BLOG.

You all are my continued inspiration to take the Ripple to the next level and I thank you for motivating me everyday to never give up and to keep spreading the word!

Ripple On My Friends!!!

Steve Harper

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